“Do not ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman
Current clients and projects
The Forum for Theological Exploration, Atlanta, GA
In Good Company with a Contemplative Companion, San Francisco, CA
Community Organizing for Mission Cohort of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Chicago, IL
HOPE Mentoring, Everett, WA
LINC NW, Everett, WA
Freeborn Lutheran Church, Stanwood, WA
Faith Lutheran Church, North Lakewood (Marysville), WA
Vibrant Faith, Naugatuck, CT
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, SD
St. Charles Catholic Parish, Portland
St. John's Episcopal Church, Youngstown, OH
St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Austintown, OH
Northwest Coast Presbytery (PCUSA), WA and AK
Past clients and projects
The General Theological Seminary, New York, NY
Renewal Ministry at Ballard First Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA
Bethel Lutheran Church, Shoreline, WA
Reimagining Theological Education project with the Convergence Network, Atlanta, New York, Minneapolis
Emmaus Community, Everett, WA
Socktoberfest, Everett, WA
Trinity Lutheran College, Everett, WA
First Call Theological Education projects with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Chicago, IL
National Youth Gathering of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Chicago, IL